Monday, June 21, 2010

Fantastic Father's Day and Other Happenings

Ok so we are all aware that I am rather lackluster that this blogging thing but, I did decided that my sweet and wonderful husband deserved a blog dedicated to him. Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day. I could not have a better "Baby Daddy". He just lights up when he sees Aaden and the feeling is mutual!

This is Anthony bring our teeny tiny baby home (he weighed about 5lbs the day he came home)

Anthony had never held a new born or changed a diaper until our little miracle was born. He started that day and has been doing it ever since.

If Aaden turns out to be the man his daddy is I will be one happy mama!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Flash Back

With Aaden's birthday fastly approaching I have been really reflecting on how blessed Anthony and I are. Our blessing is really the reason why I have been a blog "drop out"! I just don't have time to get to the desk top and our lap top is uncooperative at things other than FaceBook and Ebay!

Back to reflecting-last year on Mother's Day Anthony and I found out that we were going to spend the night in Labor and Delivery. We had already spent 14 day in the hospital so this was the best news EVER! My kidney function was like nonexistent and what came out looked like Geneis Draft Beer and my Protein was continuing to increase. Dr. Mullins said it was just time. He knew Dr. Dozier was concerned about Aaden because white males are lazy breathers when they are early but he felt like everything would be ok and this was the best choice for a healthy baby and mommy. We knew that it was in God's hands and that Aaden would be perfectly healthy because he had already beat all kinds of odds.

We spent Mother's Day calling and telling everyone the exciting news. Lots of people can to visit. Anthony bought me the most beautiful pair of diamond earrings, which I have not lost yet! I also had take out from Outback. YUMMY! Then we made our trip down the long hallway and.......... more on this story later!

 Flash forward to this year:

We went to church today and helped in the nursery. My sweet and wonderful husband and my precious little boy took me to outback for supper. Yesterday they took me shopping! We have had such a great weekend! I just love Mother's Day!

Monday, January 25, 2010

MiLK Day at the Park

We spent Martin Luther King Day at the park yesterday. At school we abbreviate it MLK so inevitably someone always calls it MILK day. This was Aaden's first trip to the park. We went with my sister and her boys and my mom and her boys. I think Anthony was a little bummed that we wasn't with us though. I offered to wait until he could go, but he is so sweet and considerate he told us to go and have fun.

We had Chick-Fil-A (yummy!) and other goodies. Aaden had peas. He has started eating real peas-smashed up of course- and really loves them! I hope he is a veggie eater, unlike mommy and daddy.

Ethan- Havin' some fun!

While we were at the park Aaden stayed on his tummy for the longest time he has ever in a row- like 45 minutes! He has started to crawl but in reverse. So we are working on it. He absolutely loved being outside. The weather was beautiful and the boys were great, except for a minor incident with Braylon, Ethan, and some older gwails (girls). This day made me so excited for this summer and being able to do fun things with him. I so love being his Mommy and Anthony's wife. Now if I could just figure out how to get paid for it!

Braylon- Lookin' 4 trouble!

Brody and Austin- Mud puddle fun

Aaden and Nana!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

8 Months!

Isn't this the cutest stinking thing you have ever seen?

Our sweet boy was 8 months old on Tuesday. I can not believe how fast these months have gone by. Anthony and I have been awake for the better part of them because our baby is a little party boy. This is a trait he gets from his father! He loves to laugh and giggle. He is a total Mexican jumping bean and is not interested the least little bit in crawling. He would rather persue the fine art of walking than spend time on the floor. At his last check up 2 weeks ago he weighed 18.13 so he will soon be in a BIG BOY car seat. He is a great eater when his teeth aren't bothering him. He has 2 teeth on the bottom and loves to chomp on any and everything. He eats 1 jar of size 2 food at breakfast and lunch and usually 2 jars at supper.  He and his big "brother" George seem to enjoy playing and get jealous of each other if I am holding one and not the other.

This is the party boy on New Year's Eve!

Anthony and I are so lucky to be his parents. God blessed us with the sweetest, happiest little insomniac in the whole world. I can not wait to see what the next 8 months bring!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Act I

Ok, so I am not a very devoted blogger!  :) This year Christmas was so much fun. Let me begin at the beginning. My grandaddy ALWAYS decorates their yard for Christmas. This is a huge part of our family tradition. In recent years he has scaled back a little but, this year's display was one of my favorites. I tried to take some pics at night when everything is lit up- but they don't do it justice.

This summer our Christmas decorations were stolen out of a storage building. ( I am still a little bitter!) So we had to start over on the decoration front. We just did one tree this year and did not do much to our yard.

I was off the week of Christmas and Aaden and I had fun helping my mom and grandma bake and get things ready. Ethan, my youngest brother, and I cut out many, many cookies and Hunter, my cousin, helped to decorate them.

More to come..... maybe!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It is Official!

My original "little" brother, Josh, got married yesterday. He and his sweet bride Rachel were married in Jamacia (rum drinks and reggae!). I got really sad thinking about it. I guess I just still picture him being small enough that I can shove his head under the couch cushions and sit on him ( he could be really annoying!). I know that they will be very happy together in the frozen north of Ohio. They have each started to blog and their blogs can be found on my side bar. They are : All Our Little Moments and The Collected Works. Together they make up 1/2 of my readers! I am not good enough to make a link to their blogs! (Susannah- tell me how please!)

Best Wishes For A Bright Future!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Turkey Day and Senior Citizen Discounts

Well I am offically married to an "older" man. Anthony turned the big 3-0 last Tuesday. To celebrate, the 3 of us pack everything but the kitchen sink and headed off to Pigeon Forge. We had a fantastic time. Did I mention that on the ride up there Aaden wasgetting a tooth (which we didn't really know at the time) and had a terrible cold? Anthony figured out that we should try playing DVDs on the laptop. So we stopped and bought Max and Ruby. Six LOOONG episodes of Max and Ruby, I have never really wanted to harm a woodland creature so bad in my life. It did the trick so I tried to keep my murderous thoughts to myself. I also want to know where the heck are Max and Ruby's parents at? They are never around. Ruby takes care of Max and the Grandma pops in every now and then, but there is no real supervision!!!!

Anyhow! We loved the cabin we stayed in and ate tons of great food. We ate at the Apple Barn twice- yum,yum! We also cooked our own Thanksgiving meal. Aaden was such a little trooper. We knew that he didn't feel great but we were still able to do the things we had planned on. These things included: eating, shopping, eating, shopping, looking at Christmas Lights, eating, going to Roaring Forks, shopping, oh and eating!

I hope that everyone had the wonderfully blessed holiday that we did!